
    I have been teaching courses for over two decades and have taught thousands of people how to paint, print, draw and awaken their creative side (which we all possess).  I want to share my knowledge and love of art with you because even a single session of creativity brings positive emotional change to people and THAT is amazing!

    How can engaging in creative activities positively impact you:

    • Mindfulness Engagement in the visual arts, especially through creating, provides opportunities to cultivate mindfulness.
    • Stress relief  Hands-on making can be very relaxing and calming.
    • Self-esteem and confidence Art activities enhance social skills. Engaging in a new activity, sharing a personal idea or concept or accomplishing a new task leads to increased self-esteem.
    • Mind Space  Creativity helps us make the mind space to reassess problems in our lives, think creatively and make plans.
    • Connectivity By using our hands and minds to create we Increase connectivity and plasticity in the brain and can even create new neurological connections and pathways.